Time Management Tips to Keep Students on Track
School can be overwhelming. Time management is the key to having a successful school year, no matter what grade students are in. From kindergarten to college, students have a lot on their plates. Good time management is a skill that students need to master early on in their education in order to succeed in school, and it’s one skill that doesn’t always come easy. We’ve come up with a few tips and tricks that will ensure that students know how to manage their time and create a habit that will last a lifetime.
Invest in a Planner
Planners are a great way to get every assignment, project, test, and quiz in one place for students to easily see at one time. All students, whether they’re in elementary school, middle school, high school, or college, benefit from writing down their assignments, activities, and events. The physical act of writing down schoolwork helps students remember upcoming due dates and makes them more aware of their overall schedule.
Set Goals
Writing a 10-page English paper is a daunting task, and it’s one that shouldn’t be taken on all at one time. Pile on assignments from four or more other classes and students don’t even know where to start. That’s why it’s important for your students to set goals. Setting goals helps break down papers, projects, and assignments into smaller chunks, making assignments seem less overwhelming and more manageable.
Take Breaks
Breaks are important for any student. There’s a reason classes only last 40 minutes to an hour ─ the brain can only focus for so long before checking out. Taking the time to recharge and refocus on the task at hand allows students to complete their work more easily and helps to prevent distractions from occurring as often. Students are also more likely to complete their work more thoroughly when breaks are worked into their schedule.
Eliminate Distractions
Encourage your students to get rid of distractions before getting started on their work. That means putting away their phone, tablets, TVs, and anything else that might take their attention away from what they’re working on. Using their planners to schedule specific times for schoolwork and times to use their devices is also an effective way for them to manage their time more wisely.
Learning time management is essential for any student. Developing great time management skills allows your students to stay organized and helps to increase their productivity while avoiding procrastination. Encouraging the use of planners inside and outside of the classroom will get students started on the path to great time management!